Missing In Action

imageHi there, remember me?  It’s been a while. We had a mishap with our computer a few weeks ago so I haven’t been able to blog.  We accidently poured water into it and rather than letting it dry for a long time we gave it a few hours, hoped for the best and turned it back on. And fried it for real. We knew better but we assumed it was toast anyhow.  Plus the urge to resist checking was too much, we were headed to Italy the next morning and thought we really really needed our laptop.  Somewhere along the way we had officially become addicts, completely dependant on our MacBook.   Thank goodness for our iphones to help curb withdrawal symptoms. They’ve been our methadone, our electronic cigarettes (we see a lot of those here).   After the electrocution and once it was way too late, we tormented ourselves and googled what to do if you got water on your computer.   We watched one guy completely immerse his MacBook in water, take it apart, let it dry for a week and turn it back on.  It was totally fine.  All we needed was patience.   Learn from us.

Afterwards we spent a few weeks trying to figure out what to do; whether to buy a new one,  get it fixed, buy a keyboard…. We analyzed every option but with only a few  weeks left we decided we would take our beloved computer home and make do with our iPhones for the remainder of our trip.  I’m acting as if its a tragedy.  Of course it’s not really a tragedy but see how you feel next time you trash your computer.  The worst thing is that 1) I can’t blog very easily from my iPhone and 2)that we will likely have to replace our laptop when we get home.  That’s ok cause we have all kinds of cash lying around after being on a sabbatical for the last 5 months.  I am hopeful that the hard drive and all our photos will be retrievable and choose not to worry about it till I need to.  Anyhow, that’s the story about why I’ve been neglecting the blog!  I will try and keep up a little and hopefully will continue to properly blog when I get back to Canada.

Computer or not, life must go on and we were (still are) very aware that our adventure was coming to an end soon.  Since the kids had yet another 2 weeks off for Easter break (the French have a strong holiday ethic) we decided to check out the French Riviera.  Here are a few photos from that trip. Grant and Vivian were still with us. We visited Cannes, Antibes and Nice.  Etienne spotted his first topless sunbather.
As I briefly mentioned, we also went to Italy. Such a different culture and country but equally as beautiful.
This week it’s all about the pool. The kids have time on their two hour lunch break to have a little swim, and again once home from school. It’s still a little chilly for me to dive in but I sure don’t mind sitting on the lounger watching them have fun.
So there you have it, my first iPhone post. I have no idea how it will look on a big screen but I’m glad to be able to keep things going.

4 thoughts on “Missing In Action

  1. Thanks for the effort! I don’t now how you do it without your laptop…..the pictures are great too! If Rome is not too far……it would be worth a visit. You won’t need to go to a museum there ,as the whole city is one. Visit the awesome churches also…..! Enjoy your last few weeks! Louis.


  2. Contente que tu continues…j’aime te lire. tu es bonne avec les mots…en français aussi?? Ça me fait chaud au coeur de revoir les places que j’ai vues…sauf Antibe…have fun!!


    1. Merci Lorraine! Oui, un jour il sera en français, c’est dans les plans. J’avoue que j’ai un peu peur de ne pas pouvoir m’exprimer si bien…Je suis curieuse, pourquoi pas antibes?


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